Thursday, May 21, 2009

New York State of Mind

A few friends of mine are heading to New York in the coming weeks (or are already in the city). So, in conjunction with their trips, the first half of this weeks program was dedicated to artists from New York and the varying sounds that came from the city that never sleeps. While I couldnt touch upon every major NYC artists, staples from the city like The Velvet Underground, Sonic Youth, and Wu-Tang Clan had to be represented, and represented they were.

The playlist (New York artists are in purple, the colours of NYU)
1) The Velvet Underground and Nico- I'm Waiting for the Man (The Velvet Underground and Nico)
2) New York Dolls- Dance Like a Monkey (One Day It Will Please Us to Remember Even This)
3) Cro-Mags- Survival of the Streets (Age of Quarrel)
4) Sonic Youth- Rats (Rather Ripped)
5) World of Skin- Nothing Without You (World of Skin)
6) Naked City- Batman (Naked City)
7) Type O Negative- I Don't Wanna Be Me (Life is Killing Me)
8) Wu-Tang Clan- Older Gods (Wu-Tang Forever)
9) Bernard Herrmann- Taxi Driver Main Titles (Taxi Driver Soundtrack)
10) Joe Delia- Exit Music (Ms. 45 Soundtrack)
11) Plunt- Foxymoron (Plunt)
12) Solarists- New Sound for a New Town (Coast Spirit)
13) Torngat- L'Ecole Penitencier (La Petite Nicole)
14) Yesterday's Ring- Quebec City Blues (Diamonds in the Ditch)
15) Camera Obscura- My Maudlin Career (My Maudlin Career)
16) Morgan Doctor- The Day is Gone (Other Life)
17) SubtractiveLAD- Filament (Where the Land Meets the Sky)
18) Meniscus Curve- Lend Me Your Light (ST)
19) Royskopp- It's What I Want (Junior)


  1. very cool of you to do a special NYC send off show! Hope you had a great time in Londontown! this is a totally bitchin playlist , nice work Kyle!

  2. I did! And this playlist is among my favourites. Don't know how I will top it when I do my show from the CAW main floor.
